"O Lord, save Thy people and bless thine inheritance, granting to Thy people victory over all their enemies. And by the power of Thy Cross, preserve Thine estate."--Troparion of Exaltation of the Holy Cross
"Rejoice, life-giving Cross of hte Lord, thou never-conquered battle-trophy of piety, support and staff of the faithful, the wall surrounding the Church, and the door that leadeth into Paradise. Through thee hath corruption been made to vanish and be no more; death's mighty powerhath vanquished and swallowed up, and we have been raised from the earth to celestial things. O truceless foe of demons, and our weapons invicible, thou ar the glory of Martyrs and the true adornment of all the Saints, calm port of salvation, that which granteth the great mercy of God unto the world."--Aposticha at Great Vespers of the Feast
"O strange wonder, great and marvellous! Today, the life-bearing Tree, the all-holy and precious Cross, being lifted up on high his made manifest openly. All of the ends of the earth give glory now and all the demons are sorely terrified. O what a gift this is, kindly granted to us mortal men, O Christ! Whereby save our souls, since Thou alone art merciful."--Praises at Orthros of the Feast
"Before Thy Cross, we bow down in worship, O Master and Thy Holy Resurrection, we glorify."--Anti-trisagion at Liturgy for Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross
"Today the Tree of Life, raised up from the hidden recesses of the earth, confirmeth the Resurrection of Christ, Who was nailed upon it. And raised on higy by priestly hands, it declareth His Ascension into the Heavens, whereby our nature lifted from its fall to earth, becometh a citizen of the Heavens. Wherefore, lt us cry in thanksgiving: O Lord, Who was lifted up upon the Cross, and through it hasst lifted us up with THyself, vouchsafe the joy of Heaven unto us who sing Thy praises."--Sticheron in Tone 6 for the Adoration of the Cross
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