The hard thing about prayer. . .
19 hours ago
From the west to the east is the translation of the Latin heading. This blog is dedicated to my journeys from the west to communion with the Eastern Orthodox Church which received me back in Pascha of 2006. This blog is intended to spur discussion, civil discussion, about Orthodoxy and perhaps those inquiring into the faith may find something here. For whatever reason someone logs in, I hope you will find what is here to be stimulating. Glory to God for all things!
I do, Chris. You're in my blogreader and so whenever you post I read it.
ReplyDeleteI regularly check your blog and have been much inspired by many of your writings.
ReplyDeleteYes, I check your blog daily and usually read it. I think the lack of comments is due to the content. It's not usually controversial (there's enough of that going around), usually thoughtful, like ahhh, that's good or ah hah! that's interesting! or hummm.... I'll have to think about that.
ReplyDeleteSo hang in there.
You're in Reader for me, so I see everything you write. I think I comment now and again, but I agree with Matthew that you are not really raising controversial issues (to me). The only things I might disagree with are perhaps political issues and I take St. Nicholas Planas for my political guide these days: "Who is governing now?". There was a time when Republican political ideology was wrapped up in my Christianity, but no more.
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ReplyDeleteI honestly did not think I put political things here since I have another blog reserved for that. However, as you have noticed these things, I will do my best to keep topics geared towards Holy Orthodoxy. Thanks for the critique.
BTW, I am not a Republican but a proud libertarian. :)
I read ! I may not have much to say, but I do read :-)
ReplyDeleteI subscribe to you via Bloglines and read that way, so I may not show up on your blog statistics......
thanks, everyone. I'm happy that people have interest in what I have to say, as poor and unworthy as it is. But I really do like feedback as well so feel free to post comments. I don't moderate. I'll even pay you money (well, not really). i'll be your friend. how's that for incentive?