Taking a cue from my friend, Pr. Weedon, I hope to, on a near every day basis, provide an excerpt from our Holy Fathers, both ancient and modern.
We can never adequately sing her [Mary's] praises. Her obedience overturned the disobedience of Adam and Eve. Their disobedience brought suffering and death into the world. Her obedience brought life and joy. We can make the mistake of confusing her with God, rather than seeing her as the best humanity has ever had to offer to God, as one who shows us how to live as her Son lived. Or we can make the mistake of failing to call her blessed, but we cannot express enough love, and thanksgiving, and praise for what she has done and for what she continues to do for us. She is our Mohter, quick to hear our cries. She intercedes for us at the Throne of God. She always points us to our true home, she always draws us closer to our good and loving Father...Devotion for the Mother of God is basic to the Christianlife for how can se love Christ and not love the one who bore Him to the world?--Fr. Nicholas Alford, Pastor of St. Gregory the Great Western Rite Mission; Homily "Holy Mary: Seat of Wisdom."
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