Anyone who has been to a traditional Roman Catholic Mass for the Dead or Requiem knows that it is not centered around the person's life. The homily given by the priest might touch on that, but it is not a personal affair. The Mass is celebrated to reaffirm that the great mercy of God has triumphed over the evil of the Devil and made powerless death. All will rise to receive judgment and many will enter into the abodes of the blessed. But the Mass also stresses why all of this needed to happen, namely the sin of humanity. Quite frankly, in our culture, sin has been replaced by a hierarchy of choices, some of which are better than others, but, ultimately, to be evaluated by the person himself. For a lot of younger people burying their parents, this is precisely what they do not want to hear so they plan something more palatable for themselves and give themselves a sneak preview of what kind of funeral they want when their time comes.
I think that a dead person's wishes should be honored and respected. If they want a traditional Catholic mass, they should get it and the children should not override those desires. If the deceased wants his ashes scattered with a small ceremony, fine. I agree with the author that the Requiem Mass is the way to go and that it is absolutely imperative that the funeral should be planned along with making any will or testament. To force any kind of ceremony because the child has a problem with what the parents believed is disrespectful and does not honor the parent. Here's an example.
The current head of the Episcopal Church in the USA is Katherine Jefferts-Schori. To call her a liberal is the understatement of the year. She has undermined the Episcopal teaching on about every subject so much that numerous Episcopalians have either split off and formed their own dioceses or left the Episcopal Church altogether. Jefferts-Schori has also decided that the limited resources of the Episcopal Church are best spent by suing breakaway dioceses, defrocking clergy who uphold traditional orthodoxy within the Episcopal Church, and confiscating property.
Her mother converted to Orthodoxy later in life and died in the Church. Jefferts-Schori planned an Episcopal memorial service with her even though her mother had made it clear to her priest that she wanted an Orthodox funeral. Not only was this desire not granted by Ms. Jefferts-Schori, but the priest of her mother was also barred from attending and not even allowed to offer Orthodox prayers at the ceremony. This is nothing but pettiness, but since it is the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church here in America, it's par for the course.
The daughter should be ashamed. But it's not just children of dead parents who have behaved poorly in this matter, but also parents when they unfortunately must prepare funerals for deceased children. This example strikes very close to home.
Ten years ago, my best friend and a young woman whom I cared for dearly, tragically died by killing herself. It was very hard for me to go to the visitation and to the funeral, too. My friend was an agnostic if not an atheist (I don't think she knew for sure). Her parents were very committed evangelical Christians. It was no secret that the parents and she were at odds over the religious issue. The funeral that was planned for her was one that would normally be given to an Evangelical Christian with Christian praise hymns and readings that I know she wouldn't have approved of. I talked about this afterwards with other friends of hers and we agreed that the service we saw was not what she would have wanted. I don't intend to be rude in saying this, but, in a way, I wondered if that was the parents getting in the last word in the religion argument. I believe the parents should have honored her wishes, whatever they were.
I know that when I die, I want to depart from this earth according to the Byzantine Rite. I want the whole thing chanted in Greek, no women chanters in the most glorious Byzantine melodies. That's what I want. I've been to enough Orthodox funerals to know that when we sing this Rite, we are praying reverently that the person's soul be saved by our merciful God. I don't want it any other way.
Should we force Orthodox funerals on those who have fallen away simply because that's what the living want? Should we force small chapel services at the funeral home with lots of eulogies because that, again, is what the living want? I say no. Give them the funeral they want and respect their wishes. If no wishes are left behind, then those who are planning the funeral shouldn't interpret that as a sign to do whatever they want because they want it. To the living, plan your funeral now so it can be honored.
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