Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tuesday of Cheese Week

Now is the time for turning back, O my soul; hasten to show unto God worthy fruits of repentance.  Keeping fast and praying, rise up and cry urgently: Praise, bless and exalt Christ above all forever.--First Canon for the second Day, Canticle 8 in the third tone

The soldiers of Christ cast aside the fear of kings and tyrants; boldly and with courage they confessed Him as the Lord of all, their King and God:  and they now intercede for our souls.--Aposticha at Orthros in the third done

When the undefiled Virgin saw upon the Tree the Son who without seed had been born from her womb, unable to endure the wound in her heart, she cried aloud in grief: "O Thou who rulest all creation by Thy will, how art Thou lifted on the Cross as one condemned?  Thou sufferest, because it is Thy will to save mankind.--Stavrotheotokion at the Aposticha at Vespers in the first tone

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