Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hymn of the Day

Second sessional hymn (i.e. poetic kathisma) after the second reading of the Psalter for Orthros on the feast.

Tone 4 to the melody "Joseph was amazed":

O river Jordan, what has thou seen to be amazed? "I have seen Him naked who cannot be seen, and I trembled," said he. "How should I not tremble before Him and turn back?" The angels, beholding him, were afraid: heaven was filled with wonder and the earth shook, the sea and all things visible and invisible withdrew. Christ has appeared in the Jordan to sanctify the waters.

1 comment:

  1. Love this one! The translation I used today rendered it: "the angels, seeing Him, trembled with fear and awe." May the good Lord keep this imagery in my heart every time I approach the chalice - let alone when I call on His Holy Name for mercy.
