A friend and coworker recently lost his 19 year old daughter. She was a very happy, energetic young woman with her whole life in front of her. She had only three months before graduated from college, played for a championship softball team at her college, was engaged to be married, procured a job right out of college with the potential for advancement, was about to buy a house where she and her future husband would live, etc. Despite such a great future ahead of her, she was taken from this life.
At the visitation, the sheer number of people there was overwhelming. This young woman had clearly made an impact on those around her. There were friends from her high school and college, friends of friends, coworkers and friends of her parents and siblings. It was inspiring though under tragic circumstances. While waiting to see the deceased''s father, I overheard some people talking about how this young woman's death was tragic and unfair and how could God do this. As a parent myself, I probably would ask those same questions should I find myself (God forbid!) in the same situation.
In the movie, Rudy, a disheartened Rudy Ruttiger, upon learning yet again that he was denied entrance to the University of Notre Dame, tries to get some comfort and counsel from the priest. The priest says that in his life he is only certain of two things: there is a God and he is not Him. I know from the Scriptures that the Lord says "My thoughts are not your thoughts; My ways are not your ways." (Isaiah 55:8). I don't know that would be much of a comfort to me if I were to find myself in this situation, but if I were to understand the reasons why certain things, especially bad things like the death of your own child happen, I know that then I would be God. But I'm not.
When studying the mythology of the Ancient Greeks and Romans and examining just how petty and emotionally insecure the gods and goddesses appear to be, I ask my students if it is possible for the gods or God to be moral in our sight. They most often respond with a unanimous "no." When I ask why, they reply something along the lines about how we humans operate or try to operate on a system of fair play. And we do. Then I ask the question, do you want life to be fair? At this point, the class is pretty silent not knowing how to answer, though after a few seconds of awkward silence a few chirp up and say, "Absolutely!" I then challenge them to consider about how many things they have gotten away with in their life: How many times they screwed up and no one noticed, how many times they broke a rule and didn't get caught, how many times they got away unscathed without any punishment. If life were truly fair, you would get what you deserve for everything you do. And I know what I would be punished far more than rewarded. When I bring this up, most students then grudgingly approve of the system we currently have in place. There is a God and I'm not Him.
God will never get a fair shake from us mortal men. He will never play fair. If God were fair, this sweet young woman would not have died. Truth be told, God shouldn't give us a fair shake either. And he doesn't; he goes way, way, way beyond that. While we deal and try to rationalize the world in terms of fair play, God does differently. His ways are not our ways. If the justice of God were paramount, then there would have been no incarnation, no Crucifixion, no death and surely no Resurrection. But those things did happen, not because it satisfied some notion of justice, but because it was done for God's love of His creation.
God will never be just in our sight. God's ways our different than ours. Nevertheless, as humans we continue to want God to be human rather than us to be more like God. A Christian life is not a guarantee to be free from suffering in this life. That's one of the reasons that the "Prosperity Gospel" is a false gospel. There will be suffering. But that does not mean we should be morose. If anything we should be joyful because God's justice, at least for the time being, has not come. It will eventually, at the Last Judgment, but for the here and now, the Compassion and Mercy of God reign supreme.
Is this fair? No and I would really be afraid if everything I see and do every day of my life is the result of fairness.
On the rule of law
13 hours ago